This claim is intended for those who have already provided their MetaMask wallet address.
It's time to celebrate! We've hit a fantastic milestone - a whopping 10 million MXC tokens have been burned, and we couldn't be more thrilled! It's been quite a journey, and we're beyond grateful for your incredible support and enthusiasm.
Meta-XP launch imminent, the disruptive “Data Future” built by the MXC Foundation
The Path To Sustainable IoT Supply & Demand
NEO, the latest innovation from MatchX, is positioned to provide unique functionalities and benefits to a whole new generation of miners on the MXC global data network.
A protocol needs two elements to reach mainstream adoption; a global, secure network that acts as a back-end, and an easy-to-use platform that acts as an intuitive front-end to onboard users.
By participating in the Competition, participants agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
Blockchain technology has been gaining momentum in recent years, and many businesses are either looking to integrate it into their operations or have already completed such integration.
10 Pillars of Growth
The MXC Foundation is thrilled to unveil the much anticipated XUSD - a first-of-its-kind stablecoin that utilises pegging to physical goods to promote enhanced stability.
The MXC Foundation is honored to join Binance on their North American “Binance US” exchange.
2023 is shaping to be the biggest year for the MXC Foundation, since our inception in 2018.
Introducing N3XUS, the world’s first Web3, Decentralized and Blockchain Certified NFT display verifier, powered by the MXC mining network.
We at the MXC Foundation are excited to confirm that $MXC is now listed on Kraken!
A bold new direction for MXC users will be able to stay up-to-date with all things MXC, as well as have access to the most recent MXC price, trading volume, live charts and market capitalization data.